Saturday 27 June 2015

Psychological Properties of Color : Yellow


 Psychological Properties of Color : Yellow

Figure 1 : Yellow Color

            Yellow color relates to acquired knowledge. It is the color which resonates with the left or logic side of the brain stimulating our mental faculties and creating mental agility and perception. Being the lightest hue of the spectrum, the color psychology of yellow is uplifting and illuminating, offering hope, happiness, cheerfulness and fun. In the meaning of colors, yellow inspires original thought and inquisitiveness. Yellow is creative from a mental aspect, the color of new ideas, helping us to find new ways of doing things. It is the practical thinker, not the dreamer. Yellow is the best color to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism. The color yellow loves a challenge, particularly a mental challenge. Yellow is the color of the networker and the journalist, all working and communicating on a mental level. Yellow is the scientist, constantly analyzing, looking at both sides before making a decision; methodical and decisive. Yellow is the entertainer, the comic, the clown. Yellow helps with decision making as it relates to clarity of thought and ideas, although it can often be impulsive. Yellow helps us focus, study and recall information, useful during exam time. The color yellow can be anxiety producing as it is fast moving and can cause us to feel agitated. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

            Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. While it is considered an optimistic color, people lose their tempers more often in yellow rooms, and babies will cry more. It is the most difficult color for the eye to take in, so it can be overpowering if overused. Yellow enhances concentration, hence its use for legal pads. It also speeds metabolism. (Johson, 2000-2015)

  • Yellow Represents:

Mind and intellect: From a color psychology perspective, yellow stimulates our mental faculties; it activates the left or analytical brain.

Happiness and fun: Yellow is uplifting to the spirits; yellow helps create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism.

Communication of New Ideas: Yellow is related to the expression and integration of new ideas and thoughts. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

  • Effects of Yellow:

Creative: The color of new ideas, yellow helps us find new ways of doing things.

Quick decisions: Yellow helps with clear thinking and quick decision-making but it can also be impulsive.

Anxiety producing: Yellow is fast moving so too much time in its presence can agitate and lead to nervousness and emotional instability.

Critical: Yellow makes people more mentally analytical and self critical of both themselves and others.

Non-emotional: Yellow relates to the head not the heart. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

  • The Positive And Negative Of Yellow Color


  •     Spirituality, Enlightenment
  •          Luminosity, Sunlight
  •         Cheerfulness, Happiness
  •          Optimism, Hope
  •           Energy, Intuition
  •          Manifestation, Opportunity
  •    Alertness, Awareness
  •        Wisdom, Intelligence. (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)


  •          Cowardice
  •          Deceit, Betrayal
  •          Jaundice, Illness
  •          Faithlessness, Unrequited Love
  •          Hazard, Emergency. (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)

  •     Variations of the Color Yellow

Light Clear Yellow: This color helps to clear the mind, making it open and alert.

Lemon Yellow: Lemon yellow promotes self-reliance and a need for an orderly life. This yellow increases our sensitivity to criticism.

Citrine Yellow: Citrine is a superficial and fickle color. It encourages the serial relationship hopper, the teaser, with unstable emotions. This yellow can be deceitful and retreats from responsibility.

Golden Yellow: This yellow is the color of the loner with an intense curiosity and interest in investigating the finer details of its interests. Golden yellow is sensitive to criticism.

Cream: Cream, tinted with a hint of yellow, encourages new ideas. However, this very pale color can also indicate a lack of confidence and a need for reassurance.

Dark Yellow: The darker shades of yellow indicate an inclination toward depression and melancholy, lack of love and low self-worth. Dark yellow relates to the constant complainer and the cynic. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

  • The Yellow Color In Cultures Perspective

·          In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions, and the four seasons. Yellow was associated with earth and the center (in relation to direction).

·         * The Chinese have placed a predominance upon the color yellow not seen elsewhere in the world. It was the color of emperors during both the Ming dynasty and the Qing dynasty.

·         * Huangdi, also known as the Yellow Emperor, is thought to be the founder of Chinese civilization, due to the tremendous amount of inventions that took place during his reign.

·          * In India, yellow is the color of the Vaisya caste, or farmers, and is the color Hindus wear to celebrate the Festival of Spring.

·         *  During the tenth century in France, the doors of traitors and criminals were painted yellow.
·          In the United States, taxi cabs and school buses are associated with the color yellow.

·       *   During the 1357 Japanese “War of Dynasty,” warriors wore a yellow chrysanthemum as a pledge of courage.

·         * Jews wore yellow armbands in Nazi concentration camps.

·        *  In Aztec culture, yellow symbolized food because it was the color of corn, the primary food of the Aztec people.

·         * Yellow signifies “sadness” in Greece’s culture and “jealousy” in France’s culture. (Smith, 2015)

·        *  In Japan Yellow means Courage and Nobility

·         * In Islam Yellow means Wisdom

·         * Hindus consider Yellow a Sacred color

·         * Buddhist monks wear Saffron Yellow robes

·         * In many Middle East countries Yellow represents Golden Prosperity

·         * In Egypt Yellow is reserved for Mourning

·         * In India Yellow is the color used by Merchants

·         *To Native Americans Yellow is the symbol for unconditional Love

·         *In China Yellow represents Honor and Royalty. (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)

Figure 2 : Variations of the Yellow color

Figure 3 : Heritage History of Story of Japan

Figure 4 : Wisdom, Islamic Art

Figure 5 : Ananda Samakhom Throne Hall, Bangkok

Figure 6 : Native American


Johson, D. (2000-2015). Color Psychology. Infoplease.
Scott-Kemmis, J. (2009-2015). The Color Yellow. Empower-Yourself-With-Color-Psychology.
ShirleyWilliams. (2008-2015). The Many Meaning Of Yellow. Color Wheel Artist.
Smith, K. (2015). All About The Color Yellow. Sensational Color.

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