Saturday 27 June 2015

Psychological Properties of Color : Red


 Psychological Properties of Color : Red

Figure 1 : Red Colkor

            Red is energizing. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. This color is a warm and positive color associated with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It exudes a strong and powerful masculine energy. The color red can stimulate the appetite, often being used in restaurants for this purpose. It also increases craving for food and other stimuli. And it also being the color of physical movement, the color red awakens our physical life force. It is the color of sexuality and can stimulate deeper and more intimate passions in us, such as love and sex on the positive side or revenge and anger on the negative. And in Eastern cultures such as China red is the color for good luck. Although times are changing and many Chinese brides now wear white, it is traditionally the color for weddings. In Indian culture it symbolizes purity and is often used in their wedding gowns. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

            Being the longest wavelength, red is a powerful colour. Although not technically the most visible, it has the property of appearing to be nearer than it is and therefore it grabs our attention first. Hence its effectiveness in traffic lights the world over. Its effect is physical it stimulates us and raises the pulse rate, giving the impression that time is passing faster than it is. It relates to the masculine principle and can activate the "fight or flight" instinct. Red is strong, and very basic. Pure red is the simplest colour, with no subtlety. It is stimulating and lively, very friendly. At the same time, it can be perceived as demanding and aggressive.

(Wright, 2008-2015)

  • Red Represents : (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

Energy: it boosts our physical energy levels, increases our heart rate and blood pressure and prompts the release of adrenalin.

Action: it is fast moving and promotes a need for action and movement.

Desire: it relates to physical desire in all its forms- sexual, appetite, cravings.

Passion: it means a passionate belief in an issue or undertaking, including passionate love or passionate hate. Anger is negative passion.

  • Variations of the Color Red : (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

Maroon: a dark bluish red, it denotes controlled and more thoughtful action. It is slightly softer than burgundy and not as dramatic as true red.

Burgundy: a dark purplish red, it is more sophisticated and serious and less energetic than true red. It indicates controlled power, determined ambition and dignified action and is often favored by the wealthy.

Crimson: has a little blue in it. It indicates a determination to succeed but without upsetting anyone else. It emits sensuality rather than sexuality.

Scarlet: has a little orange mixed with it, giving it a richness and brightness. It indicates enthusiasm and a love of life. It is a little less intense and more fun-loving than true red, tempered with a degree of defiance.

            According from the journal Wright, 2008-2015,  the psychological have a positive and negative definition. For the positive of the red color is  physical courage, strength, warmth, energy, basic survival, 'fight or flight', stimulation, masculinity, excitement. And the negative is defiance, aggression, visual impact, strain. 

  • Meaning Of Red in Woman And Men


            Seem to be more attracted to cool Reds which lean toward Violet. This range of preferences spans all the way from Cherry Red toward Magenta and Fuschia. When lots of white is added to these Reds to create Cool Pastel Pinks, the meanings of red changes dramatically. The subconscious and conscious reactions shift toward the soft and ultra-feminine the paler the tint becomes. (Williams, 2008-2015)

            On the other hand, generally prefer warm Reds which lean toward Orange. This range of preference begins somewhere near Tomato Red and goes all the way toward Indian Red and Browns are very earthy and masculine. (Williams, 2008-2015) Brick. When Black or Grey is added to create Warm Shades and Tones, the resulting Reddish

  • The Red Color In Cultures Perspective

·         * Red represents beauty in many languages and cultures, including Russia.

·         * In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions and the four seasons. Red was associated with fire, south, and summer.

·         * In Japan, the color red is associated closely with a few deities in Shinto and Buddhist traditions, so statues of these deities are often decked in red clothing or painted red.

* Mark Schumacher has a page on his site the goes into depth on the Color Red in Japanese Mythology.

·        *  In Sweden, Falun red (red based on the pigment from the Falun mine) was reserved for the privileged class.

·         * In China, red is associated with good luck and fortune.

·         * In Greece, Easter eggs are dyed red and the Greek expression “piase kokkino” (“touch red”) is said when two people say the same thing at the same time. It is believed that such an occurrence is an omen that the two will have an argument in the future, which can only be broken when the two touch the closest thing that is red.

·         * In Jamaica, a popular slang term for someone who is under the influence or drunk is “red.”

·       *   In England, red phone booths and red double decker buses are national icons. Standard British pillar boxes (mail boxes) have been painted red since 1874.

·         * In India, a red mark on the forehead is said to bring good luck.

·          * To the Hindu, red symbolizes joy, life, energy, and creativity.

·         * Islamic, Hindu, and Chinese brides traditionally wear red.

·          * Cochineal red, discovered by the Aztecs, was made using the female cochineal beetle. A pound of water-soluble extract required about a million insects. For the Aztecs, Indian red dye was considered more valuable than gold! However, it was the Spaniards who introduced the crimson color of  Cochineal red to Europe in the 1500s.

·        *  In Aztec culture, red was connected with blood.

·        *  Red amulets were worn in many cultures to prolong life.

·        * In Singapore, the color red traditionally symbolizes joy.

·      *   Chinese New Year is celebrated by wearing red clothing and decorating the house with red. Red envelopes with “luck money” are given to unmarried children to bring good fortune to them for the rest of the year.

·         * Red symbolizes feast days of martyrs in the Catholic church.

·        *  In Israel, kosher clothing stores banned the color red and sell only loose-fitting apparel for women.

·         * The belief in the protective power of the color red can be traced back to the old Chinese folklore of the Nian, a man-eating beast of ancient China who used to feed on human flesh. Discovering that the creature abhorred loud noises and the color red, the people made liberal use of the color not only in their firecrackers, but also in home decorations and clothing to protect themselves from the Nian. (Smith, 2015)

Figure 2 : Variations of the Red Color

Figure 3 : Chinese Wedding Traditional

Figure 4 : Lucky Number and Color in Chinese

Figure 5 : Autumn color places in Japan


Scott-Kemmis, J. (2009-2015). The Color Red. Empower-Yourself-With-Color-Psychology.
Smith, K. (2015). All About The Color Red. Sensational Color.
Williams, S. (2008-2015). The Many Meanings Of Red. Color Wheel Artist.
Wright, A. (2008-2015). Psychological Properties Of Colors (Red). Color Affects.

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