Saturday 27 June 2015

Psychological Properties of Color : Blue


 Psychological Properties of Color : Blue

Figure 1 : Blue Color

            Blue color is one of trust, honesty and loyalty. It is sincere, reserved and quiet, and doesn't like to make a fuss or draw attention. It hates confrontation, and likes to do things in its own way. From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. This color exhibits an inner security and confidence. You can rely on it to take control and do the right thing in difficult times. It has a need for order and direction in its life, including its living and work spaces. This is a color that seeks peace and tranquility above everything else, promoting both physical and mental relaxation. It reduces stress, creating a sense of calmness, relaxation and order, we certainly feel a sense of calm if we lie on our backs and look into a bright blue cloudless sky. It slows the metabolism. The color blue is idealistic, enhancing self-expression and our ability to communicate our needs and wants. It inspires higher ideals. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

            Blue is the helper, the rescuer, the friend in need. It's success is defined by the quality and quantity of its relationships. It is a giver, not a taker. It likes to build strong trusting relationships and becomes deeply hurt if that trust is betrayed. Blue is conservative and predictable, a safe and non-threatening color, and the most universally liked color of all, probably because it is safe and non-threatening. At the same time blue is persistent and determined to succeed in whichever endeavors it pursues. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

  • Blue Represents :

Communication: Blue relates to one-to-one verbal communication and self expression.

Peace and calm: The color blue induces calm and peace within us, particularly the deeper shades.

Honesty: Blue is the color of truth.

Authority: The darker the color blue, the more authority it has.

Religion: Blue is the color of devotion and religious study.

Wisdom: Blue enhances the wisdom of the intellect. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

  • Variations of the Color Blue :

Pale Blue: Pale blue inspires creativity and the freedom to break free.

Sky Blue: One of the calmest colors, sky blue inspires selfless love and fidelity. It is non-threatening and promotes a helpful nature that can overcome all obstacles. It is the universal healer.

Azure Blue: A color of true contentment, azure inspires determination and ambition to achieve great things, a sense of purpose in striving for goals.

Dark Blue: Dark blue is the color of conservatism and responsibility. Although it appears to be cool, calm and collected, it is the color of the non-emotional worrier with repressed feelings, the pessimist and the hypocrite. Dark blue can be compassionate but has trouble showing it as its emotions run deep. Dark blue is a serious masculine color representing knowledge, power, and integrity, and is used quite often in the corporate world. (Scott-Kemmis, 2009-2015)

            A pure Blue hue is a Primary Color on the Basic Color Wheel. That means pure blue is made directly from pure pigments and can't be created by mixing any other colors. It is the next darkest color after Violet. Yet oddly enough, it is the easiest color to distinguish in the dark. Artists often use an ultra-dark blue called 'Paynes Gray', instead of black to darken their palette paints. However, Paynes Gray is simply made up of pre-mixed pure Blue and Black. (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)

  • The Positive And Negative Of Blue Color

  •          Spirituality, Faith
  •          Calmness, Serenity
  •          Void, Vastness
  •          Cleanliness, Fresh Air
  •          Unconscious, Subconscious
  •          Calming, Contemplative
  •          Contentment, Fidelity
  •          Trust, Security
  •          Intelligence, Confidence
  •          Technology, Futurism
  •          Success, Power (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)

  •          Sadness, Depression
  •          Ambiguous, Insubstantial
  •          Cold, Aloof
  •          Austere, Formal
  •          Immoral, Chilling
  •          Staid, Old-Fashioned
  •          Authoritarian, Conservatism (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015

  •     The Red Color In Cultures Perspective
    ·         In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions, and the four seasons. Blue was associated with wood, east, and spring.
    ·         Blue, blue-green, and green are sacred colors in Iran, where they symbolize paradise.
    ·         In India, paintings of the god Krishna often depict him as having blue skin.
    ·         In the United States, post office mailboxes are typically blue.
    ·         In Mexico, blue is the color of mourning. In Aztec culture, blue symbolized sacrifice.
    ·          In Greece, the color blue is believed to ward off “the evil eye.” Those who believe in this Greek superstition often wear a blue charm necklace or blue bracelet for protection. (Smith, 2015)
    ·         In Christianity the Madonna is usually clothed in Blue to symbolize virtue.
    ·         In the Jewish faith, Blue is the color of holiness.
    ·         In Hinduism Blue is the color of the god Krishna.
    ·         In China Blue represents immortality.
    ·         Philosophers in Ancient Rome wore Blue robes to show their rank.
    ·         In Japan Indigo Blue is often used in art and clothing and symbolizes the vast ocean surrounding the islands.
    ·         In Ancient Egypt the skin of the god Amun was painted blue to signify the divine.
    ·         In Germany employees being dismissed are given Blue Letters or "Blaue Briefe".
    ·         In France deep Blue is strongly associated with Royalty and Aristocracy.
    ·         Some Native Americans believe the color symbolism of Blue means using intuition to serve and teach.
    ·         In Iran Blue is the color of mourning. (ShirleyWilliams, 2008-2015)

    ·         Blue Cross Blue Shield
    ·         Ford
    ·         The Gap
    ·         IBM
    ·         Intel
    ·         Pepsi
    ·         Tiffany & Co.
    ·         Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Smith, 2015)

    Figure 2 : Variations of blue color

    Figure 3 : Ancient Egypt (colors of blue skin)

    Figure 4 : Chinese Mudman Elder Sage Lan Shen

    Figure 5 : Head covering customs of the Ancient Dress General

    Figure 6 : The blue tiled arch of a Mosque in Isfahan, Iran


    Scott-Kemmis, J. (2009-2015). The Color Blue. Empower-Yourself-With-Color-Psychology.
    ShirleyWilliams. (2008-2015). The Many Meaning Of Blue. Color Wheel Artist.
    Smith, K. (2015). All About The Color Blue. Sensational Color.

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