Tuesday 16 December 2014

Learning Outcome - Professional Practice (part 2)

  1. Recognize future employment opportunities in relation to the chosen field of study.
    - In this module, I learnt how to guide all the members to work in a group and team, because in for this module I in position as a leader. I should work with all members to make sure all thing will okay and going successful.
  2. Identify the relevant historical, cultural and professional context of the chosen field of study.
    - Before start the event or art festival, I make a research about meaning of exhibition and art festival. From that I can get more information and between about exhibition and art festival.

    Thinking skills
    1. Research and develop your work independently or within a group.
      - Have some work or task, I should work and do by myself, such as, research about the concept, sketches logo, and after that, I discuss together will a rest members.
    2. Describe and evaluate personal, professionally relevant skills against a chosen career path.
      - In this module, I make myself professional and I can manage and organize an art festival. And what I learnt about how to manage and organize the art festival I will use in my career at my future.
    3. Display a high level of critical awareness and the ability to undertake ambitious lines of enquiry.
      - I very happy be a leader doing this art festival, because from that I can learnt how to manage my all members and try to solve all the problems comes to us. And can talk more with my all members about the art festival.

      Subject-based practical skills
      1. Reflect on the requirements of creative industries
        - For the art festival, I learnt many thing, start from think about the concept, the logo related with the concept and theme and to make a marketing and it's can requiment of creative industries.
      2. struct a portfolio/exhibition/documentation of their work and critically review the appropriateness of its layout and contents.
        - All may work and progress I will update in my blog, from that they can critically review all my work from that.
      3. Competently and safely work in a variety of media and display good technical practice
        - We work in safely work, such as, we should make a handcraft by own self and we should work carefully and make sure everything we use not to dangerous and have the properly safety.
      4. Present their work and their ideas to both staff and peers.
        - Before start everything about the art festival, we should sit together and discuss about the concept, proposal and so on it related with the art festival.
      5. Evidence collaboration skils
      6. valuate, priorities and negotiate their own requirements in terms of subject related skills
        - All members have a own work and task that they should do because before that they get a own position in this art festival and they should work and make sure all things will finish on time.
      7. Take responsibility for their own decisions.
        - All the task in this module I understand what it want. And I can finish all that with my way on time.
      8. Engage fully in open critical debate and other collective activity.
        -  Open critical debate and other collective activity is more make us clear with what we not understand because we can ask each other or try to ask to lecture.

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