Tuesday 16 December 2014

Learning Outcome - Graphic Design 2 Part 2

1. Describe appropriate research methods and processes in relation to their chosen field of study or project.
- I make some research about how to rebranding city, and I apply it to my rebranding Mantin.

2. Plan an individual research project appropriate to their chosen field of study/practice.
- I make an own research about a good and bad city and I try to apply it their goodness and I put in my rebranding Mantin.

3. Demonstrate innovative and creative problem solving attributes within a chosen area of study.
- I make creative problem in my concept becuase my concept is about a cycling, and I should thing about the safety and the concept can attract people to came and visit my rebranding city.

4. Select and implement appropriate analytical techniques.
- Before I make rebranding I see what I can make to rebranding the city, becuase of that I try to make some resecrch and and try the concept for my rebranding.

5. Be able to work safely and competently within a widening range of Graphic Design techniques and practices.
- All my work and task I able to work safely and use everthing it have in the studio.

6. Display a sound knowledge and understanding of all health and safety issues.
- In my concept is about a sporty and health, because who come to visit my rebranding city they just not come to visit the interesting places but they also can keep their health witk cycling tour in the city.

7. Be able to plan their time and to work within deadlines.
-Before I start my work, I plan first what I want do and make sure it done on time.

8. Be able to constructively critique the research work of their peers, identifying strengths and weaknesses in technique, analysis and conclusions.
- We have critique section with the lecture and all members,we should show all thing what we done and it will identifying strengths and weaknesses in techinique from the critique section.

9. Actively contribute to all group activities, i.e. seminars, critiques etc.
- Make a presentation and sit together and discuss what we done and give some opinion and advise to each other about the rebranding task.

10. Be able to articulate their position within the wider cultural context.
-We should come out with the best idea and concept to Rebranding Mantin.

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