Thursday 11 September 2014

Learning Outcome For Graphic Act

Learning Outcomes

 Critically reflect upon the problem with defining drawing either too narrowly or too broadly.
 - What I understand is we look at the drawing and we try to defining whether easy or hard.

Critically assess the nation of the ‘primitive’ in relation to 20th  C and contemporary drawing practices.
-The nation of the ‘primitive’ in relation to 20th and contemporary drawing is they make with their feeling, what their feel and maybe based on their story in life.

·       Articulate the value of indeterminacy and ambiguity in sketching, and discuss in relation to particular examples.
-We should we should be more careful in all that we do and sketching in advance and discuss in more detail in every aspect.

·         Demonstrate an understanding of four drawing systems, including two-point perspective, and analyses the impact of combining these with different forms of mark-making.
-In each drawing it should understanding of drawing four systems, including two-point perspective and should make the impact analysis of combining these with forms of mark-making to get a perfect drawing.

·         Discuss the ways in which drawing has changed in response to the computer, and analyses current digital drawing practices in light of longstanding debates about authorship, originality and the ‘handmade’
-The ways in drawing is totally different because now all drawing cam do in computer and get any software (adobe ) different previous just sketching.

·         Critically evaluate and synthesize arguments from a range of relevant texts.
-The says by others about the topic chosen.

·         Formulate a position and argue it in relation to existing theoretical writing.
-Make a writing in right ways, such as follow the format, put the caption, picture, references and so on.

·         Analyses a variety of drawn images in relation to the ideas discussed in the module.
-We should make a analyses a variety of drawn image and try to related our idea in the module and try to understand the it.

·         Undertake advanced library research.
-Go to the library and make more research in journal like find the book it related with the topic.

·         Plan and execute a drawing project within a group.
-We should planning properly a drawing project within a group so it no have any problem with it.

·         Plan and structure an essay using appropriate academic conventions.
-On our work if in structure an essay we should using appropriate academic conventions like references, caption on so on.

·         Work effectively as part of a group.
-Work effectively as part of a group is like work together and have a teamwork.

·         Articulate ideas clearly and undertake sustained self-directed study.

-Identify the ideas clearly and undertake sustained self-directed study like we should develop the idea to more deeper. 

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