Monday 14 December 2015

Learning Outcome For Graphic Design 3 Part 2

Learning Outcome For Graphic Design 3 Part 2

1. Demonstrate critical, evaluative and making skills using a number of specialist media and process.
Before start this project, I make some experimentaion on difference materials that I gonna to use ssuch as the paper I want use to be a coffee filter.For the paper I should choose is that can absorb water to make sure if I use for my final project it can absorb the coffee. Some of the paper that I make experimentation, it can’t absorb nicely and the outcome of the texture is very poor (quality) and some of the paper it absorb so quietly and easy to dry, and the texture also could be nice. For making skill in this modulle, I use printing technique for my busniess card, I gonna make hot stamping. And the other media that I using in my final project is experimentation on clear resin and coffee filter art, it for attract people to support my project.

2. Reflect critically upon ones own pratice and utilise self-editing skills within the design process.
For the reflect critically, why I using the different materials for the coffee filter, it because I want the outcomes of texture look different. Before I finalize and choose the best materials that I want usse, I will testing and make experimentation first doing the process. And I also experimentation on wood that I using to be a D.I.Y filter process, I try to using shallec and wood stain to finishing of my brewing process.

3. Work with external agencies and other interested bodies to create outcomes.
For all the problems, idea and choosing materials, I will constarct and get some opinoion and advise from module leader to get a best outcome. And from the feedback I will develop and explore more on it.

4. Apply rersearch using theorist, designers, cultural historians; use and apply these references where relevant and appropriate to the assigment or subject outcomes.
The ideas for my final project, I make some research first from the other artist which done a same theme/idea/issue (about coffee). The first artist that I be a references is Ghidaq al-Nizar (Indonesia), the style that his use is painty on leaves to show his love coffee and his will use with what’s left at morning coffee and his play with textures and tones. And the second artist is Amanda Zulkifli (Malaysia), she discovered that different type of coffee brewed at various strenghs could yield varying sepia tones, coffee aroma and levels of shine. tendencies into a style that is modern, primitive and traditional at the same time, no matter what subject she paints. The another artist is, Hong Yi (Malaysia), she has experimentation with variety of different media with the tone from coffee and bottom of a cup.

5. Demonstrate the use of methodologies and project management skills within the design process.
Based on my timeline I will finish my final project on week 10 or week 11, but because a few problems such as the materials,wrong printing, problems on layout and because of that the final outcomes it should take time to change everything. Because of all that, I must delay my printing process but now everything is on my track.

6. Design Process ; demonstrate the capacity to work with a number of processes especially Typography and all related or associated disciplines of information layout and sequential practice/pagination.
Design process in my project, like typography I apply on my logo, name card and portfolio.
7. Work on screen and paper-based formats which have synergy and a visual coherence.
I did the two thing, I work on screens and I also do the paper based format such as my name card, for the layout I working in screen and for the outcomes, I should print out. I same with portfolio, I design everything on my screen, and print out to get a best outcomes. And I will look in visual coherence.

8. Communicate successfully, strategic and critical abilities to peer group and other, including clients and project leader.
For the all thing I will communicate with module leaders first, after I explain the all thing, module leader will give a feedback form. From that I get now what should I change and develop more and what the strategies to improve more.

9. To participate or collaborate effectively with others.
To participate or collaborate effective, I mostly will ask my module leader, my peers about my project. If the they give some idea or advise, I will take that as my references to improve my project. And we also usually help other to finish our project work.

10. Construct and implement a realistic timetable of research leading to a creative set of outcomes.
Based on my thesis my idea is to create new strategy to attract younger generation about local coffee, form that my idea is to make a coffee painting using all the local coffee but after I present my idea to module leader, and  I get new idea related with my issue, from painting, I change to did a coffee filter (over brewing coffee technique). This technique actually traditional way before we have a brewing machines, from that I can attract younger generation.

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