Friday 25 September 2015

Question Of The Context For Final Project

Student for final year 3 which will doing the exhibition should answer the questions of the context about their final project. The question is for make student and all module leader more clear and understand what they want to do for final project. Below is the questions :-

Nur Fatiha Binti Abdul Mutalib
Issue : Coffee (Malaysia Coffee)

1. Why this project?
            To create a new strategy to preserve the local coffee in Malaysia society.

2. What are the issue?
            The issue is about coffee but it focused on Local Coffee (Malaysia). It is because I want to introduce and improve the level of promotion of the  younger generation nowadays of locally produced coffee.

3. Who are you talking to?
            The target audience for this issue is focused to younger generation.

4. Why this audience?
            Because  younger generation nowadays they don’t really care and notice about Malaysian’s Coffee.

5. What can they do?
            They can promote the Malaysian’s coffee to entire world and support Malaysia coffee production.

6. What the medium of communication?
            Installation art, Designing apps and Filter Process (Instagram) 

7. What are the problems with the chosen medium of communications?
            The selection of materials suitable to create the installation art, the problem of graphic management in project progressing. And maybe lack of catchy or understandable.

8. What are you doing and saying that is different from the existing “campaigns”?
            The different my project and others is about promotion in Malaysian's coffee by an installation art and not just an advertising.

9. What is unique about your project outcomes?
            This project will promote Malaysian’s Coffee in different style, the difference the use of graphics in this project and give audience experience in coffee world.

10. Why will an audience take notice?

            Audience will take notice about this project because they will interested with the way I convey the massage to the audience and this project will give new experience to them in coffee.

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