Saturday 28 February 2015

Component 1

TOPIC/TITLE          : Coffee (Local Coffee)
MODULE                  : Thesis
MODULE CODE     :  VT 3045
UEL ID                      : U1255261


            In this thesis the topic is about the coffee but focus on Malaysia Local Coffee. Nowadays,  coffee become a trend not just for a coffee lover and there are various brands of coffee are in the market now such as local coffee nor the western coffee (international). The culture coffee is not just happen in this century but there has been a century soon. What it different between present and past coffee is nowadays coffee become a trend for they relax or hangout with friend, family or so on but the anciently make this coffee as a drink to start the day.

             Nowadays, drinking coffee everyday is the hobby of many people . It should be noted that coffee is known today as one of the most widespread types of beverage consumed around the world. Coffee is a popular drink that is made from seeds of the coffee plant that have been roasted. This well-liked beverage is believed to have been first discovered and consumed in Ethiopia in the 9th century. Today's coffee drinker can be pampered with the wide selection of different types of coffee that are available in the market place. (Coffee, 2015)


“Most coffee is made from non-organic materials and therefore there are many adverse effects on the output of coffee beans, this coffee because of non-organic materials using a variety of toxic materials and it is not suitable for health to drink coffee.” Dr. Mercelo.

            According Dr. Mercelo statement drinking organic coffee is more good and health because organic coffee product free from toxic. And have a few coffee beans not have properly control and monitoring for the growth  coffee beans.

“Malaysian coffee culture was not very popular until western coffee entered the local market and brought along the culture of American coffee. This new lifestyle has hit big cities but not yet popular when it comes to small town and rural areas of Malaysia.” Siti Nurbaya

            Based on Siti Nurbaya statement, actually the coffee culture at Malaysia not popular even Malaysia have the own local coffee brand but when western coffee culture entered into local market and bring the style and culture of American coffee it become popular and be a trends nowadays. The this lifestyle not popular yet at small town (village area) it is because maybe the lifestyle can’t progressive.

“The brand management is lack of the knowledge of what is actually affecting the consumers’ preference towards the products in the market around them. The consumers would have different perception towards the local and international coffee because the information of the coffee remains unclear.” (The Coffee And The Marketing Consumers Marketing, 2003-2015)

            According the statement of the article, each a coffee brand should have the knowledge of what is actually affecting the consumers’ preference towards the products in the market around them and from that consumers can make a difference about the perception towards the local coffee because the information of the local coffee remains unclear.


            The history of coffee is come from an Arabian shepherd named Kaldi found his goats dancing joyously around a dark green leafed shrub with bright red cherries in the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.  Kaldi soon determined that it was the bright red cherries on the shrub that were causing the peculiar euphoria and after trying the cherries himself, he learned of their powerful effect.  The stimulating effect was then exploited by monks at a local monastery to stay awake during extended hours of prayer and distributed to other monasteries around the world.  Coffee was born. the history of the coffee bean beagan on the plateaus of central Ethiopia and somehow must have been brought to Yemen where it was cultivated since the 6th century.  Upon introduction of the first coffee houses in Cairo and Mecca coffee became a passion rather than just a stimulant. (Griffin, 2001)

            “The Malaysia local coffee which has adopted from arrivals of branded retails outlet such as Coffee Bean and Starbucks in the local market around 1997 to 1998. Local coffee culture grows, begins by commercializing kopitiams and branding of local coffee shops to upgrading services by not only selling product but embracing technology as part of the marketing plans to attract younger generations. Malaysia has been one of the locations starting in the year 1998 after The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf entered the market at the previous year before Starbucks that brought us the social changes in local scene.(Nurbaya, 2010)

            According the statement from the article the Local Coffee (Malaysia) it become lpopuar when with the international coffees enter the local market. Actually, local coffee culture has been famous with small local coffee shop (kedai kopi) because at village people love to enjoy coffee in stores like that to spend time with friends either in the morning or after tired doing their daily activities. It become popular before availability new local coffee market, begins by commercializing Kopitiam, Ipoh White Coffee, Old Town and so on selling product and part of marketing plans to attract younger generations. The Local Coffee culture like Old Town and Ipoh White Coffee mostly became a trend after western coffee such as Coffee Bean and Sturbucks entered  the local market around 1997.

            The aims for this study (topic) is to create a new strategy to preserving the local coffee.


            To achieve the aim for this study (topic), I come out with a few objectives. The first thing is about using the organic coffee beans, designing the new strategy for preserving local coffee and the last is to create awareness for customers. This is my objective for this project ;

·         To identify the advantages in organic coffee beans and to produce as a healthier product.
·         To designing the new strategy  that can improve the standard of  the promotion Malaysian Coffee.
·         To create awareness of the knowledge about the consumers preference between local coffee brand and international coffee brand.


What is methodology?

          “Methodology” implies more than simply the methods you intend to use to collect data. It is often necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and theories which underlie the methods. For instance, if you intend to highlight a specific feature of a sociological theory or test an algorithm for some aspect of information retrieval, or test the validity of a particular system, you have to show that you understand the underlying concepts of the methodology. When you describe your methods it is necessary to state how you have addressed the research questions and/or hypotheses. The methods should be described in enough detail for the study to be replicated, or at least repeated in a similar way in another situation. Every stage should be explained and justified with clear reasons for the choice of your particular methods and materials. (Manchester)

          From the methodology that researcher research about the topic (local coffee), researcher did research based on  primary research and secondary research. From the research, researcher get more information, knowledge and data about the topic. The researcher did this methodology is for make sure the proposal of the topic is to show that researchers understand the underlying concept of the topic. Based on the primary research that did from researcher is such as, brainstorming, sketches, mind map, interview and so on. And based on secondary research, researcher did from find the information from journal, article, E-book, book and digital media (you tube, video).

Research Question/ Hypothesis
- What is history of coffee?
-Types of coffee beans.
- What is difference between organic coffee bean and non-organic coffee beans?
-What is Kopi Luwak?
-How local coffee preserving their coffee?
-The problems of local coffee in Malaysia.
-How the  coffee marketing in  Malaysia?
-What the differences local coffee (like old town coffee, ....) and western coffee (like Starbucks, ....) 


Coffee, B. (2015). Information About Coffee. Food Editorias.
Copyright. (2003). The Coffee And The Malaysia Consumers Marketing Essay. UKessays.
Griffin, M. (2001). Coffee History. Coffee Research.
Nurbaya, S. (2010). Malaysia Coffee Culture : A Research Of Social Aspect, Branding And Design. Scribd.
Manchester, U. o. (n.d.). What is Methodology. Faculty of Humanities Study Skills Website.

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