Monday 22 September 2014

What Is Bauhaus?

What Is Bauhaus?

            Bauhaus was a design school that emerged in Germany in 1919. Bauhaus designer and their student broke from traditional and develop a very modernist style. Their primary intention was to integrate art, technology and craftsmanship by ignoring precedent and generating a new design philosophy. The innovative ideas ranged from architecture to furniture design to typography. That design of any sort ought to be considered a high art as does painting and sculpture. The influence of Bauhaus is modern buildings, offices and pieces of furniture draw heavily on the style put forth by Bauhaus. (L.S.Wynn, 2003)
              In core objective was radical concept to reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all the arts. Described a utopian craft guild combining architecture, sculpture, and painting into a single creative expression. Bauhaus combined elements of both fine art and design education. Bauhaus theory, included metal working, cabinetmaking, weaving, pottery, typography, and painting wall. A vision of bridging the gap between art and industry by combining crafts and fine art. (Winton, 2000)
            The Bauhaus movement, fine art, such as architecture and design were held in higher esteem than craftsmanship, example painting and woodworking. All craft including art, architecture and geometric design, could be brought together and mass-produced. Bauhaus movement is characterized by economic sensibility, simplicity and a focus on mass production. Actually, Bauhaus is an inversion of the German term, “HAUSBAU”, means “building house” or house construction. The Bauhaus movement teaches “truth to materials” as a core tenet, which means that material should be used in its most appropriate and “honest” form, and nature should no be changed. Example, supportive materials such as, steel should be exposed and not hidden within the interior framework of a piece of furniture. (Fire, 2012)
             The Bauhaus  movement transformed the designed and production of modern furniture by incorporating the use of steel as frame and supports for table, chairs, sofas and even lamps. The use of machine made, mass-produced steel tubing created simple forms that required little handcrafting or upholstery and contributed to the streamlined modern look of Bauhaus furniture. The movement still influence modernist architecture and technology, it has been most influential in modern furniture design. Bauhaus bridge the gap between art, industry, design and functionally. (Fire, 2012)

Figure 1 : About Bauhaus

Figure 2: example of Bauhaus furniture 

Figure 3 : example of Bauhaus furniture 

Figure 4 : example of Bauhaus furniture 

Figure 5 : example of Bauhaus poster
Figure 6: example of Bauhaus poster

Figure 7 : example of Bauhaus architecture  (modern style)

Figure 8 : example of Bauhaus architecture  (modern style)

Figure 9 : example of Bauhaus architecture  


Fire, F. (2012). The Bauhaus Movement. Sitemap.
L.S.Wynn. (2003). What Is Bauhaus. wiseGeek.
Winton, A. G. (2000). The Bauhaus, 1919-1933. Heilbrunn Timeline Of Art History.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Proposal Rebranding Mantin



             The aim for rebranding Mantin is to make something interesting because what we know Mantin is simply known as the hinterland but we don’t know Mantin get the own history and also get historical place. I want rebranding Mantin to new look and fresh. The theme for this project is Historical Of Mantin. Mantin get the own history and also get a historical places event it look alike small town and nothing special and interesting.  What special about Mantin is, this town get attract the outsider, such as, British came and make tin business and also attract people from China in Ghizou and thus the existence of the Hakka Village of people whi work as labors in the tin mines.

             I want make a campaign to rebranding Mantin to more known by the outsider, public, resident and attaract tourism come and visit Mantin. What opportunities can exploit from this campaign, the opportunities is I want recognize Mantin and Historical Of Mantin deeper and not just known Mantin as small town and rural  area. With this campaign I can rebranding Mantin and analyzes about history in Mantin.

            The objective of this campaign is to introduce the whole Mantin to the public, outsider and tourist about the Mantin and provide the knowledge about this town, such as, the background, history and there historical places of Mantin. In this campaign I should know what happened before and during in the Mantin develop by British.

            The mission for this campaign is to establish a sense of curiosity about the history of this town. In this campaign will have a few activity like cycling, treasure hunt, marathon or competition and climbing at Broga Hill.

            The target audience for this campaign is public, residents and tourist.
Psychographics – what their interest in this town, like the historical, village people, and
                              interesting places.
Demographics – Population in Mantin is majority is Chinese people.

            The concept for my campaign is Tourism. The ideas in campaign is I want make like outdoor activity such as, cycling around Mantin, marathon, make a competition like treasure hunt to find the history in Mantin and so on related with my concept. The activities will be related with concept and Mantin, with that people how come to Mantin can get knowledge of the history and look forward about that. In this campaign also I will create a Mantin own merchandise like t-shirts, beg, fan, cap and so on. With have all the things how came to Mantin can get the merchandise and make a survivor. 

            And the another ideas is, the campaign going to do like hold the exhibitions as build the museum, where there will be exhibitions about the history of Mantin. And this campaign will be rebuild a tin mine, so people can see clearly the tin mine is available at Mantin.

            For the big ideas in this campaign, I want make the exhibitions as build the museum, where there will be exhibitions about the history of Mantin and this campaign will able to attract the attention of the public, outsider and tourist to learn more about the history of appearing in Mantin, because many do not know that Mantin this have a tin mine, that why it called Mantin after tin mine. And the campaign will be also rebuild a tin mine so people can see clearly the tin mine is available at Mantin, with it tourist and public can learn how to search and (mendulang) the tin like as before. And introduce the Kampung Hakka as well, for the history in Mantin.

 Where and when  the campaign is will be at Mantin town because it will related with the campaign was done about Historical Place Of Mantin. And when it will occur is on holidays time and weekends, as convenient for tourist and people coming to visit the campaign and join the exhibition together. What opportunities can exploit from this campaign, the opportunities is we can recognize Mantin and Historical Places Of Mantin deeper and not just know the Mantin as small towns and rural areas. With this we can re-branding Mantin and analyzes history of Mantin.

And in the campaign also have a outdoor activity such as, cycling around Mantin, marathon and competition like treasure hunt traditional game, traditional cooking competition (mantin famous food), and maybe climbing at Broga Hill. For the cycling it have a special track to how want cycling around Mantin and get look the historical place.


Figure 1: The exhibition of tin mine at Sungai Lembing Pahang
Figure 2 : replica of rail the carries tin

Figure 3:  Visitors can feel the atmosphere in the tin mines

Figure 4 : the special bicycle to round in city/ town. It in London

Figure 5 : the special track for bicycle to round in city/ town, London

Finalize The Logo For Art Festival

After all student come out with their sketches of the logo, we should voting and finalize the logo for the art festival. We put our sketches on table and choose which the logo can be a the festival art logo and we voting it. We just tick which want we think related with the concept. All student come out with the best ideas of sketches. After all student tick and choose the sketches of logo, leader and ass.leader should calculate which logo get a majority voting. After that we finalize the sketches and all student and lecture agree with the voting. But how under  Art Direction should develop more the logo such as, the color, typography and the shape/pattern and should related with the concept.

Figure 1 : all sketches of logo

Figure 2 : voting time

Figure 3 : voting time

Figure 4 : the sketches of logo get majority voting

The Logo Sketches For Art Festival

After we confirm with the concept for art festival, we should thinking about the logo this festival. The logo we want to create must related with the concept, it is Vintage Graphic. Beside that, all student should sketches five ideas of logo, it should creative and and have a elements of vintage like pattern, typo and so on. For my sketches of logo I more to highlight the typography, pattern and style and some sketches I play with textures of vintage style. What we known vintage a more to antique style, inggeris style, for the color more to classic/soft, light pink, old rose and so on. And beside that, I create my logo, below my sketches for my logo :-

Figure 1 : My logo sketches

Figure 2 : My logo sketches

Figure 3 : My logo sketches

Figure 4 : My logo sketches

Figure 5 : My logo sketches

Name Voting Section For The Art Festival

All student how take this subject Professional Practice (part 2) should come up with five opinion or concept of the art festival which will be held in week 10. For my concept I choose Traditional Combination, Cartoonist, Typography, Vintage Graphic and Interior in Graphic. After all student write their concept, our lecture finalize or highlight name the of concept it is Vintage Graphic, Elements of Design, Colorful and Student's Artwork. Beside the concept is highlighted, student should voting one of the concept. After voting, all student and lecture agreed to choose Vintage Graphic for concept of Art Festival.

 Figure 1 : The naming of the concept for Art Festival

Class Task : Meaning Of Exhibition and Art Festival


  • A large scale public showing, as of art, object or industrial.
  • A public display of art, product and skills.
  • A large fair of extended duration.
  • A collection of thing (goods or work of art) for public display.
  • An allowance given to student in a college, university and school.

Art Festival

  • More ti fund rising
  • An occasion for feasting or celebration.
  • An often regularly recurring program of art festival.
  • An organized series of special event and performance, usually on one places.
  • More to entertainment and fun.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Graphic Act :- TASK 1 - What is Design

What Is Design?
            Design is realization of a concept, idea into a configuration, drawing, model, mould, pattern, plan or specification (on which the actual or commercial production of an items is based) and which helps achieve the item’s designed objective. (Design, 2014)
Design could be viewed as an activity that translates an idea into a blueprint for something useful, whether it's a car, a building, a graphic, a service or a process. The important part is the translation of the idea, though design's ability to spark the idea in the first place shouldn't be overlooked.(What is Design)

History Of Design
Historical is a comprehensive collection, which begins with the reform movements of the late 19th Century, Art Nouveau, Jugendstil and the Arts & Crafts movement in Europe and America. Early 20th Century Avant-garde design is represented with the works of the Wiener Werkstätte founded by Josef Hoffmann and Koloman Moser. The purist styles of the late teens and 1920s include the Bauhaus and De Stijl movements. European and American Art Deco and Post-war design through the 1970’s is featured in both furniture and applied arts. (Historical of Design)

Example Of Design and Artist

            Andre’ Zottolo is  a artist of design was in Kensington and/or Moorhead, MN, but is now in Park Rapids, MN, run by André Zottolo. Most of his fonts are hand-printed, such as AZ Cut Script (2011, a script), AZ Pledge, AZ Grampa, AZ Fast Fury, AZ Hello, AZ Dude, AZ Tiki, AZ Script, AZ New Rough, AZ Imperial, AZ College (+Brushed), and AZ Vintage Tattoo, all made ca. 2010-2011. His earliest fonts were free. They included Alpha, Barracuda, Collem, Cornelia, Declan, Funtime, Roughfart, Tiki, MessyGirl. Typefaces from 2011: AZ Union is a Western face. AZ Text and AZ Dramamine are grungy hand-printed faces. AZ Sailor Tattoo is an outline tattoo face. AZ Hello Brushed is a brush face inspired by auto repair signs.AZ Rough Fart is a squarish mural brush face. AZ Wings is Victorian. AZ Placid is an eroded outline face. (Devroye)

Figure 1 : Andre Zottolo

Figure 2 : Andre Zottolo Banner 

Figure 3 : Andre Zottolo A Z Postcard3 D 2014b 

Figure 4 : Artist Of Design A Z Kiss 2012b 


Design. (2014). Business
Devroye, L. (n.d.). Artist Of Design. lucdevroye.
Historical of Design. (n.d.). Historical Design, Inc.
What is Design. (n.d.). Design Council, 1.

Graphic Act :- TASK 1 - What Is Graphic

What Is Graphic?
            Graphic is relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or lettering. Example of Graphic is like visual, symbolic, pictorial, depictive, illustrative, diagrammatic, drawn and written, in graphic written is representation of language.  A graphic is an image or visual representation of an object. Therefore, computer graphics are simply images displayed on a computer screen. Graphics are often contrasted with text, which is comprised of characters, such as numbers and letters, rather than images. (Reseller SolidWorks Free Training, 2009)

            Computer graphics can be either two or three-dimensional. Early computers only supported 2D monochrome graphics, meaning they were black and white (or black and green, depending on the monitor). Eventually, computers began to support color images. While the first machines only supported 16 or 256 colors, most computers can now display graphics in millions of colors. (Reseller SolidWorks Free Training, 2009)

History Of Graphic   
          "vivid," 1570s (implied in graphically), from Latin graphicus "picturesque,"from Greek graphikos "of or for writing, belonging to drawing,picturesque," from graphe "writing, drawing," from graphein "to write"(see graphy ).  Meaning "of or pertaining to drawing" is from 1756. Related: Graphically. Graphic design is attested by 1956. Graphic equalizeris from 1969. (Harper, 2010)
            In the 1930s the distinction between advertising art and graphic was virtually nonexistent. While typography was often written about as a separate aesthetic field, it was also addressed in terms of its function in advertising. Moreover, whether discussing a book jacket, record sleeve, poster, brochure, magazine, or any other form graphic endeavor, the word “advertising” was not regarded as derisive. (Steven Heller, 1995)

Example Of Graphic
Figure 1 : Graphic and simply visual communication by Joanne McGuinness, 19 Nov. 2012

Figure 2 : Typography with graphic

Figure 3 : 3D Graphic

What is Graphic Designer
            Graphic designers, in people’s minds, often get lumped together with fine artists – when the truth is that we’re almost opposites. Artists create to inspire, to emote, to share something that’s uniquely theirs with the world – and the best art lets each viewer find their own interpretation. Designers, on the other hand, create to communicate – we’re visual-thinking problem solvers, and if people are interpreting our message in their own unique ways, well, then we’re just not very good at our job. (Pendergrass, 2013)
            A graphic designer is responsible for creating design solutions that have a high visual impact. The role involves listening to clients and understanding their needs before making design decisions. A graphic designer works to a brief agreed with the client, creative director or account manager. They develop creative ideas and concepts, choosing the appropriate media and style to meet the client's objectives. (AGCAS, 2013)

Example of Graphic Designer
            The graphic designer is famous in this filed is David Carson. David Carson, (born September 8, 1955Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.), American graphic designer, whose unconventional style revolutionized visual communication in the 1990s. David Carson has worldwide fame and is probably the most influential Graphic Designer of the nineties. His introduction of imaginative ideas in magazine design together with his use of experimental typography has gained him fame globally. Carson was the art director for the magazine Ray Gun in the early nineties. David Carson was an art director for the magazine Ray Gun with his experimental typographic design. I like how he uses the type in this design so parst of the writing stands out and other parts don’t but you can still read it. The use of colour in it looks very effective and also subtle at the same time. (Ashleyattwood)

Figure 4 : David Carson



Figure 5ab : Artwork by David Carson


AGCAS. (2013). Graphic Designer Job Description. Prospects.
Ashleyattwood. (n.d.). Top 10 Designer. Eye Down.
Harper, D. (2010). Word Origin And History For Graphic.
Pendergrass, K. (2013). What Does Graphic Designer Do? The Industry Revealed. Udemy/Blog.
Reseller SolidWorks Free Training, Q. (2009). Graphics.
Steven Heller, G. B. (1995). Graphic Design History. In G. B. Steven Heller, Graphic Design History (p. 302). EYE,Summer.

Friday 12 September 2014

Graphic Act :- TASK 1 - What Is Art


What is Art?

            Art is about of human creative skill, it creative in visual form such as painting, drawing, sculpture and so on related with art. The definition of art has evolved over time and varies based on context, anything can in fact be art, and the term continues to evolve. Art has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake, and mimesis or representation. Art at its simples, is a form of communication. It means whatever it is intended to mean by artist herself, and this meaning is shaped by the materials, techniques, and forms of the art, as well as the ideas and feelings it engenders in the viewer. Anything can in fact be art, and the term continues to evolve. (Boundless)

            How best to define art is still regularly debated art is still regularly  debated. Many books or journal articles have argued over even the basics of what we mean by calling something art. Theodor Adorno claimed, in 1969, “It is self-evident that nothing concerning art is self-evident”. Furthermore, it is clear that even the basic meaning of the term art has changed several times over the centuries, and is continuing to evolve during the 20th century as well. Most people would not have considered the depiction of a Brillo Box or a store-bought urinal to be art until Andy Warhol and Marcel Duchamp, respectively, placed those objects in the context of like an art gallery, which then associated these objects with a way that art could be defined. (Boundless)

            We can all say for example that Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa is a good example of art for art sake. 

Figure 1 : Mona Lisa, by Leonardo Da Vinci’s

Figure 2: Honey Boo Boo, Trashy Work of Art, 3D Potrait

History Of Art
                We understand the history of humanity through art. From prehistoric depictions of woolly mammoths to contemporary abstraction, artists have addressed their time and place in history and have expressed universal human truths for tens of thousands of years. Learn what made Rome great, how Islamic tile work evolved, why the Renaissance happened, and about the brilliant art being produced today around the globe. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker of Smarthistory together with leading art historians, and our museum partners have created hundreds of short engaging conversational videos and articles, making Khan Academy one of the most accessible and extensive resources for the study of the history of art. (Art History Basic, 2014)
            Art is the good places to start t be a artist or designer. We often think we should understand what we see and that we know what we like, but art can be challenging. It has meant different things at different moments in history. Art given us access to the way other people have seen the world. (Art History Basic, 2014)

Example Of Art And Artist
            The artist is famous in art world is Andy Warhol. He born on August 6, 1928, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Andy Warhol was a successful magazine and ad illustrator who became a leading artist of the 1960s Pop art movements. He ventured into a wide variety of art forms, including performance art, filmmaking, video installations and writing, and controversially blurred the lines between fine art and mainstream aesthetics. Warhol died on February 22, 1987, in New York City.  (Andy Warhol Biography, 2014)

Figure 3 : Anday Warhol

Figure 4: Portrait Painting by Andy Warhol

Figure 5 : Painting by Andy Warhol using Pop Art technique

Figure 6 : Artwork by Andy Warhol


Andy Warhol Biography. (2014). Bio.
Art History Basic. (2014). Khanacademy.
Boundless. (n.d.). What Is Art? CC-BY-SA 3.0.