Sunday 21 September 2014

Proposal Rebranding Mantin



             The aim for rebranding Mantin is to make something interesting because what we know Mantin is simply known as the hinterland but we don’t know Mantin get the own history and also get historical place. I want rebranding Mantin to new look and fresh. The theme for this project is Historical Of Mantin. Mantin get the own history and also get a historical places event it look alike small town and nothing special and interesting.  What special about Mantin is, this town get attract the outsider, such as, British came and make tin business and also attract people from China in Ghizou and thus the existence of the Hakka Village of people whi work as labors in the tin mines.

             I want make a campaign to rebranding Mantin to more known by the outsider, public, resident and attaract tourism come and visit Mantin. What opportunities can exploit from this campaign, the opportunities is I want recognize Mantin and Historical Of Mantin deeper and not just known Mantin as small town and rural  area. With this campaign I can rebranding Mantin and analyzes about history in Mantin.

            The objective of this campaign is to introduce the whole Mantin to the public, outsider and tourist about the Mantin and provide the knowledge about this town, such as, the background, history and there historical places of Mantin. In this campaign I should know what happened before and during in the Mantin develop by British.

            The mission for this campaign is to establish a sense of curiosity about the history of this town. In this campaign will have a few activity like cycling, treasure hunt, marathon or competition and climbing at Broga Hill.

            The target audience for this campaign is public, residents and tourist.
Psychographics – what their interest in this town, like the historical, village people, and
                              interesting places.
Demographics – Population in Mantin is majority is Chinese people.

            The concept for my campaign is Tourism. The ideas in campaign is I want make like outdoor activity such as, cycling around Mantin, marathon, make a competition like treasure hunt to find the history in Mantin and so on related with my concept. The activities will be related with concept and Mantin, with that people how come to Mantin can get knowledge of the history and look forward about that. In this campaign also I will create a Mantin own merchandise like t-shirts, beg, fan, cap and so on. With have all the things how came to Mantin can get the merchandise and make a survivor. 

            And the another ideas is, the campaign going to do like hold the exhibitions as build the museum, where there will be exhibitions about the history of Mantin. And this campaign will be rebuild a tin mine, so people can see clearly the tin mine is available at Mantin.

            For the big ideas in this campaign, I want make the exhibitions as build the museum, where there will be exhibitions about the history of Mantin and this campaign will able to attract the attention of the public, outsider and tourist to learn more about the history of appearing in Mantin, because many do not know that Mantin this have a tin mine, that why it called Mantin after tin mine. And the campaign will be also rebuild a tin mine so people can see clearly the tin mine is available at Mantin, with it tourist and public can learn how to search and (mendulang) the tin like as before. And introduce the Kampung Hakka as well, for the history in Mantin.

 Where and when  the campaign is will be at Mantin town because it will related with the campaign was done about Historical Place Of Mantin. And when it will occur is on holidays time and weekends, as convenient for tourist and people coming to visit the campaign and join the exhibition together. What opportunities can exploit from this campaign, the opportunities is we can recognize Mantin and Historical Places Of Mantin deeper and not just know the Mantin as small towns and rural areas. With this we can re-branding Mantin and analyzes history of Mantin.

And in the campaign also have a outdoor activity such as, cycling around Mantin, marathon and competition like treasure hunt traditional game, traditional cooking competition (mantin famous food), and maybe climbing at Broga Hill. For the cycling it have a special track to how want cycling around Mantin and get look the historical place.


Figure 1: The exhibition of tin mine at Sungai Lembing Pahang
Figure 2 : replica of rail the carries tin

Figure 3:  Visitors can feel the atmosphere in the tin mines

Figure 4 : the special bicycle to round in city/ town. It in London

Figure 5 : the special track for bicycle to round in city/ town, London

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