Tuesday 7 October 2014

Mini Task : The Word To Represent My Feel

                   In this task I should describe what I feel in the game I and my classmate play. The game is we should find or create our own box and we must put anything things or items have a texture. At the box we should make a hole, they shall enter hand in the hole and touch and feel what have in the box. We should swap our box with classmate for we touch and feel what is in other box. After we touch and feel what is in the box, we should list what we feel in the box. What I feel when I touch the things in the box is disgusting, dangerous, hurt, mystery, hard/ rough, scary, sharp, softness, and sticky. Based what I list down to describe I feel, I should translate that to video science to represent the “words”, like in typography, photography, image or picture and so on and I should analyses and tell why I choose that image or picture.

11.  Dangerous

Figure 1 : dangerous image

·         image I choose skull image to represent my feel it is dangerous. Why I choose skull is because, everyone know if they saw this image, they will imagine the dangerous thing. And same with me, I feel something dangerous if I saw that skull image. This image we can get maybe at road for dangerous sign board, for toxic and acid. This skull image give a warning and be careful with dangerous thing will happen at us.

12.   Hurt (Pain)

Figure 2 : Photography of hurt (pain)

·         From the image I can feel the hurt, because for me smoking is a one of the slowest most painful deaths I can imaged. And why choose this image is I  can feel the hurt or pain which I touch the thing in the box.

13. Mystery 

Figure 3 : Image of mystery

·         When I see this image or sign I feel like have a mystery on the box because before I enter my hand into the box, I have one feeling it is scary. I feel scary to enter my hand into the box, when I see the box and I think about the thing in the box. My mind playing with the question and I became scary and the situation be a mystery.

14.   Sharp 

Figure 4 : typography to represent feel of sharp

·         The typography I choose is represent my feel of sharp. Why I choose this typography is, if we spell the word is “knife” everyone know knife very sharp and it can hurt us if we not be careful. It what I feel when I enter my hand touch the things in the box. I get a hurt because I not careful when I touch the things inside, I can feel and touch the texture is sharp.

15.   Softness

Figure 5 : Image of represent feel of softness
·         Why I choose the image of cotton candy it because to represent my feel of softness. The cotton candy is very soft but when it wet water it will became sticky. That way I choose a cotton candy because what I feel when I touch the thing inside the box, the texture is soft and sticky.

16.   Hard and Rough

Figure 6 : image of represent feel of hard and rough

·         I choose this image is to represent what I feel when I touch the thing inside the box. I can feel the thing have a texture hard and rough. That why choose this image because when I touch the texture of the thing I can imagine it is like a bark.

17. Sticky and Disgusting

Figure 7 : image to represent feel of sticky

·         The image is represent my feel of sticky when I enter my hand into the box and touch the thing is like sticky and disgusting. I can feel the thing sticky in my hand and it very disgusting when I touch. The image can represent my feel at the time. 

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